Driver ACPIVEN_1025&DEV_1229

Airplane Mode Controller icon from Acer

When a user, while searching for drivers, encounters the hardware identifier ID ACPIVEN_1025&DEV_1229, this means that the software needs to be installed or updated for the Airplane Mode Controller from Acer.

Software description

This driver has one caveat - there is no automatic installer. But thanks to the step-by-step instructions attached below, there will be no problems with installation.

Drivers for Acpiven 1025&dev 1229

The software is distributed free of charge, has the latest version, current for 2024, and is downloaded from the developer’s website.

How to Install

Let's move on to driver installation:

  1. Go to the download section and download the archive with all the files we need.
  2. Unzip the contents to any folder.
  3. Right-click and from the context menu, select launch installation. Wait for the process to complete and click the button indicated below.

Installing driver for Acpiven 1025&dev 1229


Then you can proceed directly to downloading the latest driver version.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Acer
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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