Activation.x86.dll for NFS: Shift 2

Activation.x86.dll icon

Activation.x86.dll is an executable component that is part of the operating system and is used for the proper functioning of various games as well as programs.

Software description

If, when you try to launch any application on a Windows computer, an error occurs when the system did not detect Activation.x86.dll, then you need to perform manual installation and subsequent registration.

Activation.x86.dll file

Carefully follow each step of the step-by-step instructions attached below. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations!

How to Install

Installing any DLL file in a Microsoft operating system involves 2 stages, namely copying and registration:

  1. We go to the end of the page, find the button, then download the file in the archive and unpack the contents.
  2. Depending on the bit depth of the operating system used, we place the component along one of the paths.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Copying Activation.x86.dll

  1. Next, open the command line with administrator rights, using the operator cd go to the folder where you just copied the file and register using: regsvr32 Activation.x86.dll.

Registration Activation.x86.dll


To implement the instructions attached above, all you have to do is download the missing component.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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