Adobe InDesign CS6

Adobe Indesign Cs6 Icon

Adobe InDesign CS6 is an application that allows you to create various digital document layouts on a computer running Microsoft Windows. Let's take a closer look at the program, and then, using the torrent distribution, you can download its newest Russian version.

Program description

The software package discussed on this page is part of Adobe Creative Suite 6. The software is aimed at designers and other people who work with large amounts of text, images and other document elements.

Let's look at the main features of the software:

  • the ability to create several alternative layouts;
  • the ability to link content;
  • simplified development using a dynamic text framework;
  • development of digital publications;
  • the presence of so-called liquid layouts;
  • an extensive database of styles and objects.

Adobe Indesign Cs6 program

The application is provided in a repackaged form, so further we will only consider its installation.

How to Install

First of all, you need to download all the files that are used for installation. Then we proceed directly to the process:

  1. Double left click to launch one of the system components. This could be a traditional installation, unpacking a portable version, or a silent installation.
  2. We wait a few seconds until the process is completed.
  3. Using the shortcut in the Start menu, launch the program.

Activation of Adobe Indesign Cs6

How to use

Now you can proceed directly to text layout. However, before you start working on the project, it is best to open the settings page and make the software convenient for yourself.

Setting up Adobe Indesign Cs6

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the main positive and negative features of Adobe InDesign CS6.


  • automatic activation during installation;
  • a wide range of tools for text layout;
  • There are Russian, English and other versions.


  • complexity of work;
  • large weight of the installation distribution.


Then you can proceed directly to downloading the latest version of the program.

Language: Russian
Activation: Crack included
Developer: Adobe Systems
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11 x86 - x64 (32/64 Bit)

Adobe InDesign CS6

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Programs for PC on Windows