Malwarebytes AdwCleaner in Russian

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner Icon

Most often, a standard antivirus is quite enough to organize the security of your home PC. But in some cases, an additional tool won’t hurt, and it’s best to choose Malwarebytes AdwCleaner.

Program description

So, what is this program and what is it for? The application does not require installation, is distributed free of charge and works as an auxiliary tool that allows you to increase the detection rate of even the most hidden threats.

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner

You can download the latest version of the software directly from the official website of the developer or using the button attached below.

How to Install

Let's move on to the process of parsing the correct launch, since installation is not required in this case:

  1. Scroll the contents of the page below, find the button, click and wait until the archive with the desired file is downloaded.
  2. Unpack the contents and double-left-click on AdwCleaner.EXE to run the application with administrator privileges.
  3. Approve access to superuser rights in the window that will immediately appear.

Running Malwarebytes AdwCleaner

How to use

Once the application is launched, activate automatic scanning, wait for it to complete and remove all threats found. We also recommend visiting the settings and making changes that will make the software convenient for you.

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner settings

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the list of strengths and weaknesses of the latest version of the program, relevant for 2024.


  • the user interface is translated into Russian;
  • The application is supported on Microsoft Windows of any version, including x32/64 Bit;
  • the highest degree of detection of any threats.


  • confusing settings.


You can download the latest version of the software using the torrent distribution attached below.

Language: Russian
Activation: Portable (cracked)
Developer: Malwarebytes
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner Pro

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Programs for PC on Windows
Comments: 1
  1. Vlad

    Works fine!