Aim.DLL for CS 1.6, SAMP and FASTCUP

Aiming.dll icon

Aim.DLL is a system component that is part of Windows and is required for various application software to function properly. For example, if this file is damaged or missing, it will fail when trying to open CS 1.6, SAMP, or FASTCUP platform games.

What is this file?

The Microsoft operating system includes many different libraries. The latter are needed for proper launch, as well as further correct operation of application software and games. If this file is missing for some reason, we can manually install the component and then register it.


How to Install

Now, using a specific example in 2 stages, let’s look at the installation process:

  1. Go to the download section and download the file. Depending on the architecture of the operating system used, we place the component in one of the folders.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

System folders for installing Aiming.dll

  1. We provide access to administrator rights so that the explorer can make the necessary changes.

Confirmation of replacement of the Aiming.dll file

  1. Launching a command prompt with administrator privileges using the operator cd go to the folder where you copied the file, and then carry out self-regulation: regsvr32 Aim.DLL.

Registration of Aiming.dll

The same file is needed for other games to work, for example, Battlefield: Bad Company 2.


The software is distributed free of charge, downloaded from the developer’s website and is current for 2024.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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