Autodata 3.45 x32/64 2022 for Windows

Autodata icon

Autodata is a program with which we can obtain various diagnostic information about certain cars. Data regarding the ICE (internal combustion engine) is also provided.

Program description

The user interface of the program is presented in the screenshot attached below. Authorization is required to work. There is a customization option; we can calculate some technical parameters, as well as view the characteristics of a particular car and its engine.


The application's user interface does not have a Russian translation. In order to understand the software in more detail, it is best to go, for example, to YouTube, and then watch a training video on the topic.

How to Install

Let's move on to the installation process of the latest version of Autodata software. Installation is possible for a computer running Microsoft Windows with x32 or 64 Bit.

  1. First of all, go to the download section, download the archive with all the necessary files, and then double-left click to start the installation process.
  2. Next we activate the application. To do this, we use the registry key that is included in the kit.
  3. Reboot the operating system and launch the application using the shortcut that will be added to the desktop.

Autodata installation

How to use

In order to start working with this application, you first need to register an account and then use it to log in. Immediately after this you will receive all the information about a particular car.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider the positive as well as negative features of the program for car diagnostics.


  • wide range of supported car models;
  • activator included;
  • availability of settings that can be saved in the user account.


  • no Russian.


Now you can proceed directly to download the program, and then use the included crack to activate it.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Developer: Autodata
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

Autodata 3.45

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Programs for PC on Windows