Desktop Goose 1.1.4 on PC + mods

Desktop Goose Icon

Desktop Goose is more of a joke application for the computer that adds a virtual assistant in the form of a goose to the Windows desktop.

Program description

Initially, the animal simply runs around the desktop and, if it wants, adds various windows. However, the assistant can be made truly useful if you additionally install mods.

Desktop goose

We recommend that you treat the application with the utmost caution. The fact is that if you leave the PC for a long time, the goose can produce quite a lot of windows, which then will take a long time to remove.

How to Install

Now, in the form of step-by-step instructions, let’s look at how to add a virtual assistant in the form of a goose to the desktop of your computer:

  1. Download the archive with all the files we need. Using standard Windows Explorer tools, unpack the contents.
  2. Double-left click to launch the file, which is indicated by a red line in the screenshot below.
  3. Proceed to the initial setup of the program.

Launching Desktop Goose

How to use

The virtual assistant will immediately appear on your screen. As you can see, there is no Russian language and the animal is able to communicate only using English.

Working with Desktop Goose

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's move on to an analysis of the positive and negative features of the program, which can be downloaded without viruses at the end of the page.


  • complete free;
  • no need for installation;
  • originality.


  • no version in Russian.


You can download the virtual assistant to your PC for free via torrent.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Developer: Sam Chiet
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

Desktop Goose 1.1.4

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Programs for PC on Windows
Comments: 1
  1. adaev maxim

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