DLL for NFS (Need for Speed)

Dll icon for Nfs

Sometimes when we try to launch the Need for Speed ​​game we encounter a system crash. This may be due to the lack of necessary system components. We offer you to download the DLL for NFS for free, and also view the step-by-step installation instructions.

What are these files?

According to search query statistics, problems are most often observed when one of the following components is missing. Accordingly, we will install them.







D3dx9 26.dll

How to Install

Let's look at a specific example showing the process of correct installation and further registration of a DLL:

  1. We find the button, download the archive, unpack the data and copy all the files to one of the system folders. First you need to determine the architecture of the operating system by pressing “Win” + “Pause”.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

System folders for installing Dll for Nfs

  1. The next step may require you to do 2 things. We must confirm access to administrator rights, and if the corresponding request appears, replace existing files.

Confirmation of replacement of Dll files for Nfs

  1. The registration itself involves working with the command line. The latter must be opened with administrator rights. Using the operator cd go to the directory where you copied the DLL. Enter regsvr32 имя файла and press “Enter”. We repeat the same for each file separately.

Register D3dx9 26.dll

These components are needed for work and other games, for example: Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Shift 2, Rivals or Underground.


Now you can proceed directly to the download.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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