Storage Driver for Windows 11

Storage device driver icon

Sometimes it happens that during the installation or use of the Microsoft Windows 11 operating system, some programs or the OS itself were unable to find a storage device driver. To obtain such a driver, it is enough to perform a manual installation.

How to Install

You can add the necessary driver to install Windows 11 or use it comfortably as follows:

  1. First of all, scroll the contents of this page to the download section. We find a button there, click and download the archive we need. Extract the contents to any folder you like, using the included text document with a password. We find the file that is highlighted in the screenshot below, right-click, and then start the software installation process.

Installing a Driver for a Mass Storage Device

  1. After a few seconds, another window will appear indicating the successful outcome of the operation.

Completing the installation of the storage device driver

The storage controller driver for a computer running the Windows 11 operating system is suitable for almost any hardware manufacturer, for example: ASUS, MSI or Acer.


You can download the latest official version of the driver, current for 2024, using a direct link.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

USB Driver Windows 11

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