Mass storage device driver download for Windows 7

Storage device driver icon

If during the installation or use of the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system, some program or the OS itself does not find a storage device driver, then this situation can be easily corrected through manual installation.

How to Install

To get the driver we need, scroll through the contents of the page, find the button in the download section below and download the archive:

  1. We unpack the received contents, placing the data in any convenient directory. We right-click on the file indicated in the screenshot below. In the context menu that appears, click on the “Install” item.

Installing a storage device driver on Windows 7

  1. We wait a few seconds and click “OK” in the small window.

Now the problem where the operating system was unable to find the required driver will be resolved.

This instruction is suitable for many equipment manufacturers. This could be, for example: ASUS, Aacer, HP, etc.


You can download the current version of the storage controller driver below.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

USB Driver Storage

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