
Enggeo icon

EngGeo is specialized software focused on organizing information obtained using engineering geology systems.

Program description

If you look at the attached screenshot below, you can see what objects the application works with. As already mentioned, this is a collection of statistics of various geological engineering systems. Features include a completely free distribution scheme and, which is good, the presence of a Russian version.

Enggeo program

The application has a fairly high entry threshold, and if you have never worked with this kind of software, it is better to watch the training video first.

How to Install

We will also consider how to install the program on a computer with an operating system from Microsoft:

  1. First you need to download the corresponding executable file, and then extract the data into the directory you like.
  2. After this, launch the installation and select one of the links depending on your further needs.
  3. After starting the installation, the user needs to wait until the files are moved to their designated directories.

Installation Enggeo

How to use

The program contains a database of templates that significantly speed up the collection of statistical data. Be sure to go to the settings and make the software convenient for a specific case.

Enggeo Settings

Advantages and disadvantages

Moving on, we also propose to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of EngGeo.


  • user interface in Russian;
  • The software is provided free of charge.


  • complexity of development and use.


Then you can proceed directly to downloading the latest version of the software.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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Programs for PC on Windows