gutil140.dll for Red Dead Redemption 2

Icon gutil140.dll

gutil140.dl is an executable component that is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system and is necessary for the proper operation of various games and programs.

What is this file

Sometimes a user, when trying to launch a particular game, encounters an error when the system did not detect the gutil140.dll file. In such cases, manual installation of the missing component helps.


This executable component is necessary for the operation of various games, for example: Resident Evil Village, DOOM Eternal, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla or Mortal Kombat 11.

How to Install

Next, let's look at how to fix the situation and manually install the missing DLL:

  1. First you need to download the file. A direct link is available at the very end of the page. We unpack the contents of the archive and place it in one of the system directories, depending on the bitness of the OS.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Installing gutil140.dll

It is easy to check the bitness of the installed operating system if you use the hotkey combination “Win” + “Pause”.

  1. Next we turn to registration. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges and using the operator cd go to the directory where you placed the DLL. The registration itself is carried out through: regsvr32 gutil140.dll.

Registering gutil140.dll

  1. Be sure to restart the operating system so that all changes are applied correctly.


You can download the latest official version of the file for RDR 2 using a direct link.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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