HDMI cable driver for Windows 10

Hdmi Icon

To correctly display the picture, as well as play sound on a monitor or TV connected to a computer with Windows 10, the user will need the latest version of the HDMI cable driver.

Description by

This software has the latest version, current for 2024, downloaded from the developer’s website, and is also distributed on a completely free basis.

How to Install

So, in order to install the HDMI cable driver on Windows 10 x64 Bit, you need to do the following:

  1. First of all, you should go below and download the archive with all the files we need for free.
  2. Then we unpack it to any place you like.
  3. We right-click the mouse, and then select the item marked below from the context menu. We are waiting for the installation process to complete.

Installing HDMI driver for Windows 10

In some cases, a mandatory reboot of the operating system will be required.


Now you can proceed directly to downloading the HDMI audio driver for your Windows 10 computer.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

HDMI Audio Driver for Windows 10

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