IP Sender

IP Sender Icon

IP-Sender is a special program that automatically receives and sends the current IP of the computer to the specified email address. This may be necessary, for example, when the IP address changes all the time and this parameter must be known to organize remote access.

Program description

In principle, all the functionality of the software is shown in the screenshot attached below. The list of main features can be formulated as follows:

  • automatic detection of the current PC IP address;
  • sending received data to any email address;
  • ability to configure the frequency of sending;
  • maximum simplicity and clarity of the user interface.

IP Sender program

The program is provided exclusively free of charge and does not require activation.

How to Install

Traditionally, with any application, we always consider the installation process. The same applies to IP-Sender:

  1. Find the download section, click the appropriate button and download the archive.
  2. Unpack the contents to any location you like.
  3. Start the installation process, accept the license and click on “Next” to proceed to the next step.

Installing IP Sender

How to use

In a matter of seconds, the installation will be completed, and you will be able to proceed to the first configuration of the program to send the IP address to any selected E-Mail.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now let’s look at the characteristic positive and also negative features of IP-Sender:


  • free distribution scheme;
  • there is a Russian language;
  • ease of operation.


  • lack of additional features.


Then you can proceed directly to downloading the current version of the program.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Evgeny V. Lavrov
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

IP Sender

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Programs for PC on Windows