KiCad 7.0.10 + element library for Windows

KiCad icon

KiCad is a completely free application with which we can create electrical circuit diagrams of any level of complexity on a computer.

Program description

The program is 100% translated into Russian. This greatly simplifies development. The kit includes a huge database of electrical parts. They just need to be arranged and connected using virtual conductors. The resulting circuit can be used to create printed circuit boards.


This application is one of the most functional electrical circuit diagram editors for Windows PC.

How to Install

Installing the program is carried out exactly as with any other software for Windows:

  1. First we download the archive with the executable file. Next we do the unpacking.
  2. We start the installation process and at the first stage, check the boxes for those modules that will be needed for further use.
  3. Let's move on to the next step and wait for the installation to complete.

Installing KiCad

How to use

Let's look at a short tutorial that will help you create electrical circuit diagrams and work with printed circuit boards based on them. First we specify the size of the future circuit. Next we place the seats and install certain parts on them. We add conductors to the resulting circuit and test the performance of the electronics.

Working with KiCad

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's move on to analyzing the positive as well as negative nuances that a user may encounter when working with a program for creating electrical circuits.


  • a wide base of components that meet the state standard (GOST);
  • the ability to expand functionality using plugins;
  • presence of the Russian language.


  • fairly high entry threshold.

Download torrent

You can download the latest version of the program in Russian using a direct link from the official website.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Jean-Pierre Charras
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

KiCad 7.0.10 + Library

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Programs for PC on Windows