Mass storage driver for installing Windows 10

Storage Driver Icon

Sometimes when trying to install an operating system, we encounter an error that the required driver is missing. This problem can be easily solved using the step-by-step instructions attached below.

Software description

Your screens show the storage device driver files. The features include some installation nuances. A specific example will be discussed in more detail below.

Mass storage driver for installing Windows 10

The software is distributed completely free of charge and does not require any activation.

How to Install

Let's move on to the step-by-step instructions for installing this software:

  1. Using the button attached below, you should download the archive with all the necessary files and unpack the latter to any convenient location. Next we transfer the data to a removable drive.
  2. We start the installation of the operating system and get to the point where the problem arises. Select the driver download button.
  3. We indicate the path to our flash drive, after which we calmly continue installing Windows.

Installing a storage device driver to install Windows 10


The latest version of the missing software is available for free download via a direct link.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

F6flpy-x64 (Intel® VMD)

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Comments: 8
  1. User

    What if I have AMD and not Intel? What should I do???

  2. Umid

    Thanks a lot helped out

  3. Michael

    The archive asks for a password(

    1. 1Soft.Space (author)


    2. Egor

      Can you read? it's all written

  4. Andrei

    Thank you so much!

  5. Alexey

    All files are not transferred, they are taken and do not go through, resulting in an empty folder

  6. Egor

    can't you read?