mfplat.dll for Windows 7, 10, 11 x64

mfplat.dll icon

If the integrity of the link library is violated, the operating system may issue an error associated with an incorrect entry point into the procedure. This happens when one of the DLLs is damaged or missing.

What is this file?

The operating system consists of separate dynamic link libraries, which, in turn, are divided into DLLs. Most often, such failures occur when using pirated versions of software. You can fix the problem by manually installing and then registering the damaged file. In this case we are talking about mfplat.dll, which is needed for proper operation of, for example: Roblox or Resident Evil Village.


How to Install

Having briefly touched on the theoretical part, we move on to specific instructions, from which you will learn what to do if the system did not detect the DLL, giving an error, “mfplat.dll was not found”:

  1. Scroll the contents of the page a little lower, find the button and download the archive with the file we need. We place the executable component along one of the paths depending on the architecture of the operating system used. Using the button indicated below, we approve access to administrator rights.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Copy mfplat.dll

  1. Open Windows search, find the command line, and then, using the context menu, launch the application with administrator rights. Using the operator cd go to the folder where you placed the DLL. We register via regsvr32 mfplat.dll.

Registration mfplat.dll

  1. We reboot the operating system and proceed to try to launch the application only after the next start of Windows.

It is very easy to quickly determine the architecture of the installed operating system using the hotkey combination “Win” + “Pause”.


The file has the latest version, taken from the developer’s website and is distributed completely free of charge.

Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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