Msvbvm50.dll for Windows 7, 10, 11 x64

Icon Msvbvm50.dll

This driver is part of the Visual Basic Virtual Machine system library. Accordingly, if the file turns out to be damaged or missing altogether, an error occurs when the system did not detect the required component.

What is this file?

The Microsoft operating system, as well as various software, consists of corresponding libraries, which are divided into separate files. One of these is Msvbvm50.dll.


How to Install

Next, using the example of simple step-by-step instructions, we will consider the process of correctly installing this file:

  1. The first stage of installation involves copying the object to the system directory. To do this, first download and then unpack the DLL.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Copy Msvbvm50.dll to the system directory

  1. We will also need registration. Open the Windows command line with administrator privileges and using the operator cd go to the folder where you just placed the DLL. Next, the registration itself is carried out, for this the command is used: regsvr32 Msvbvm50.dll.

Register Msvbvm50.dll

  1. The last step involves rebooting the operating system.

You can check whether the driver is installed correctly using the standard Windows utility called Device Manager.


Using the button below you can always download the latest version of the software.

Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 x32/64 Bit


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