File msvcp110.dll for Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Icon msvcr110.dll

The msvcp110.dll file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ dynamic library, which is used to properly launch and operate various applications and games on a Windows PC. Sometimes an error occurs when a component was not found. The instructions below are dedicated to solving this problem.

What is this file

Any operating system, various libraries, as well as programs and games consist of separate files. Some of them have a DLL extension. If we are dealing with outdated or missing objects, a failure may occur when trying to run a particular software.


The system component discussed on this page is necessary for the proper operation of Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, as well as other popular games.

How to Install

Let's move on to a short step-by-step instruction from which you will learn how to install the missing component:

  1. First, you need to navigate to the download section and download the desired file. Next we unpack the archive. Depending on the Windows architecture, we place the resulting object along the first or second path. We confirm access to administrator rights.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Installing msvcr110.dll

You can find out the bit depth of the operating system you are using using the hotkey combination “Win” + “Pause”.

  1. Simply copying the DLL is not enough. We will also require registration. To do this, first of all, launch the command line with administrator rights. Using the operator cd go to the folder in which you placed the component. Enter regsvr32 msvcp110.dll and press "Enter".

Registering msvcr110.dll

  1. Be sure to restart the operating system.


The latest version of the file we need is available for download via a direct link.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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