File mtasa.dll

Mta.dll icon

The mtasa.dll file is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system and is used for the correct operation of various application software.

What is this file?

If we encounter an error when launching this or that software, it means that the required component is simply missing. Also, the file may be out of date or not have the original version. In all the above cases, manual reinstallation will be required.


How to Install

This process is quite simple and so that you can see this, we suggest looking at a specific example:

  1. First of all, we turn to the download section, where you can download the latest official version of the DLL. Accordingly, unpack the resulting file into one of the system directories.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

System folders for installing Mta.dll

  1. We answer affirmatively to the request for access to superuser permissions and move on.

Confirming the replacement of the Mta.dll file

  1. At the next stage, you need to open the command line, and be sure to have administrator rights. Using the operator cd, go to the folder where you copied the DLL. Next, we register by entering: regsvr32 mtasa.dll and pressed “Enter”.

Registration Mta.dll

Don't forget to restart Windows so that all changes made are registered in the registry.


The file can be downloaded completely free of charge.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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