NUM2TEXT.XLA Add-in for Excel


NUM2TEXT is an add-in for Microsoft Excel with which we can perform various arithmetic operations on numbers. For example, the amount in words and so on.

Description of the add-on

This software allows you to significantly simplify various operations on numbers and strings. For example, we need to convert an ordinary decimal number into a sum in words. To do this, just install the add-on and simply select the appropriate item from the context menu.


The add-in is suitable for almost any office version. This could be Microsoft Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019.

How to Install

Let's move on to the installation process. You need to work according to this scenario:

  1. In the download section, use the button to download the archive with the desired file. Unpack the contents into any folder.
  2. Place the resulting component in the Microsoft Excel extensions directory.
  3. Open the settings and select the add-on you just added. We perform activation.

Running NUM2TEXT

How to use

As already mentioned, to activate this add-on we need to go to the settings. Select the plugin you just copied from the list and apply the changes made.

Working with NUM2TEXT

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of the add-in for working with numbers in Excel.


  • significant acceleration of the work process;
  • complete free.


  • some complexity of installation.


You can download the latest version of NUM2TEXT.XLA for Microsoft Excel for free using the direct link.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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Comments: 2
  1. Chris

    The archive is downloaded and there is a text document in it. There is no add-in file

    1. 1Soft.Space (author)

      Fixed it. Thank you.