Registrator Viewer in Russian

Registrar Viewer Icon

Registrator Viewer is special software that allows you to view data obtained from car recorders on a computer running Microsoft Windows.

Program description

In addition to viewing video from the recorder, the program supports displaying other data. This is, for example, the speed of the car, the direction of its movement, and so on.

Registrar Viewer

It should be noted that the set of additional data will depend on the registrar itself.

How to Install

Since in this case installation is not required, we just have to run the program, having first unpacked the executable file:

  1. Download the latest version of the distribution, and then unpack the contents of the archive.
  2. Launch the application to view data from the recorder by double left clicking.
  3. Create a shortcut on the taskbar for further quick access.

Launching Registrator Viewer

How to use

To view the diagnostic data of a record obtained using the recorder, just open the file using the main menu.

Working with Registrar Viewer

Advantages and disadvantages

We will also analyze a set of positive and negative features of the program.


  • the user interface is translated into Russian;
  • free distribution scheme.


  • outdated appearance.


You can download the latest version of the program for free directly from the official website.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Vadim Kozlov
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

Registrar Viewer

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Programs for PC on Windows
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