Window.dll for Windows 10 x64 Bit

Window.dll icon

If, when you try to launch any software or game, an error occurs with the message: the system did not find Window.dll, then the missing component must be installed manually

What is this file?

The Microsoft operating system includes dynamic link libraries, which actually consist of DLLs. We suggest you consider a short step-by-step instruction showing how to correct the current situation.


How to Install

The procedure for installing a DLL on a Windows computer involves 2 steps. Accordingly, this is copying the file and its subsequent registration:

  1. After the file is downloaded, place it in one of the system folders. You can check the architecture of your OS by simultaneously pressing “Win” and “Pause”.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

System folders for installing Window.dll

  1. We also confirm access to administrator rights. Without this, the conductor simply will not be able to make all the necessary changes.

Confirming the replacement of the Window.dll file

  1. Registration is carried out from the command line launched with administrator privileges. To do this, we need to go to the directory into which we copied the DLL earlier (operator cd). The registration itself is carried out by entering: regsvr32 Window.dll.

Registration Window.dll

Be sure to reboot your system after registration is completed.


The latest version of the file was downloaded from the developer’s website and is posted on this page for your convenience.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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