XnConvert 1.99.0 + Portable in Russian

XnConvert Icon

XnConvert is the most functional converter with which we can convert various image formats either individually or in batches.

Software description

What kind of program is this and why is it so popular? Firstly, we can convert any images into the selected format either individually or in batch mode. Secondly, during the conversion process it is possible to automatically add some image editing functions. Thirdly, in this case it is a completely free product, the user interface of which has been translated into Russian.


Considering the above, you can understand that the latest version of the program is downloaded either from the official website or using the button attached slightly below.

How to Install

Next, let's look at the correct installation process:

  1. First, we turn to the download section, where using a direct link we download the archive we need. We unpack the data to any place you like.
  2. We start the process and use the checkbox to accept the software license.
  3. Then we just wait for the installation to complete.

Installing XnConvert

How to use

How can you convert images using this software? Simply drag and drop one or more graphic files onto the main work area, and then click the "Convert" button. We can also make format settings, select the degree of compression, set actions for editing pictures, and so on.

Working with XnConvert

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the list of characteristic strengths and weaknesses of this image converter.


  • complete free;
  • Russian language in the user interface;
  • possibility of conversion in batch mode;
  • Converted images can be edited automatically.


  • some complexity of settings.


Using the button below, you can download the latest version, current for 2024, for free.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Pierre-e Gougelet
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

XnConvert 1.99.0 + Portable

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Programs for PC on Windows