tbb.dll for AutoCAD 2022

Tbb.dll icon

tbb.dll - This is a file that is part of the operating system and is needed for the correct operation of various programs, as well as games, for example, AutoCAD 2022. If the component is damaged or missing, an error will occur during application startup when the system was unable to detect the DLL .

What is this file

Microsoft's operating system consists of dynamic link libraries. The latter are divided into different files, among which there are DLLs. Naturally, all this should work correctly.


The same component is needed for the proper operation of other programs. In particular, there was a crash when trying to launch Adobe Photoshop.

How to fix

Let's move on to the practical part of the article and, in the form of two corresponding stages, we will analyze the process of copying and registering a missing file:

  1. First, the component must be downloaded. For this purpose, a corresponding section is provided on this page. Now, depending on the OS bit depth used, we place the DLL in one of the directories. We make sure to confirm access to administrator rights and, if necessary, replace existing data.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Copying Tbb.dll

  1. Using the search, open a command prompt with administrator privileges. Enter cd, and then the path to the directory where we copied the file. The registration itself is carried out through: regsvr32 tbb.dll.

Registration Tbb.dll


You can download the latest official version of tbb.dll for AutoCAD 2022 for free using the link attached below.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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