XnView 2.51.5 in Russian for Windows 10

Xnview icon

XnView is one of their most advanced user-friendly image viewers for a computer running Microsoft Windows 10.

Program description

The user interface of the program is completely translated into Russian, which greatly facilitates the work. Here you will find not only convenient functionality for organizing and viewing images, but also basic functions for editing pictures and retouching photos.


Another positive feature of the software is its completely free distribution scheme.

How to Install

Let's move on to installation. Let's look at a specific example using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Download the archive with the installation distribution and run the installation.
  2. Move the checkbox to accept the license agreement.
  3. Click on “Next”, move on and wait for the process to complete.

Installing Xnview

How to use

After the first launch of the program, specify the path to the directory with all your images. As a result, preview icons will be displayed on the main work area. Now you can move on to viewing or even editing.

Working with Xnview


Advantages and disadvantages

We also suggest looking at the list of positive and negative features of XnView Classic.


  • the user interface is translated into Russian;
  • availability of functionality for image editing.


  • does not support HEIC;
  • there is no portable version.


You can download the latest version of the program in Russian for free via torrent.

Language: Russian
Activation: Free options
Developer: Pierre-e Gougelet
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11 32/x64 Bit

XnView 2.51.5

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Programs for PC on Windows