Mimo UniDll v4 5.0 1.5 x86/x64

Mimo UniDll Icon

Mimo UniDll is a universal treatment tool with which we can get a full licensed version of 1C: Accounting and 1C: Enterprise for free.

What is this file?

It is not even a program, but simply an executable component that replaces the original piece of software and thus provides a license. Accordingly, the correct installation will be discussed below.

Mimo UniDll v4

The software is distributed exclusively free of charge; therefore, no activation steps are required.

How to Install

Next we move on to the analysis of specific instructions showing how to activate a product from 1C:

  1. First, download the archive mimounidll_v4.zip, after which we unpack it.
  2. Depending on the bitness of the operating system (you can check it using “Win” + “Pause”), we place the executable component in one of the paths.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Installing Mimo UniDll v4

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges. Using the operator cd, go to the folder where you just placed the file. Next we will need the registration itself, for this we enter: regsvr32 techsys.dll.

Register Mimo UniDll v4

The final stage involves a mandatory reboot of the operating system.


The latest version of the desired file can be downloaded directly from the direct link.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11

Mimo UniDll v4 5.0 1.5

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Programs for PC on Windows