nvcuda.dll for Windows 7, 10, 11

Nvcuda.dll icon

nvcuda.dll is a component that is part of the Microsoft operating system and is needed for the correct operation of the OS itself, as well as application software. If during the launch of a particular game you encounter an error where the file is not found, you need to reinstall it manually.

What is this file?

Any operating system, including Microsoft OS, consists of separate libraries. Those, in turn, are divided into files, among which there is nvcuda.dll.


How to fix

Let's consider the process of copying, as well as subsequent registration of the missing component:

  1. Download the archive, unpack the contents and place the DLL in one of the directories.

For Windows 32 Bit: C:\Windows\System32

For Windows 64 Bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64

System folders for installing Nvcuda.dll

  1. Now we need to confirm access to administrator rights, and also, if prompted, replace existing files.

Confirmation of file replacement - copy - copy - copy (2) - copy

  1. Next, open the command line using the operator cd go to the desired directory, and then register by entering: regsvr32 nvcuda.dll.

Registration Nvcuda.dll

Command Prompt must be launched with administrator privileges. Otherwise, we simply will not be able to access system files.


Then you can proceed directly to the download.

Language: English
Activation: Free options
Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11


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